Another order of 50 unattended ground sensor (UGS) tactical systems to the Israeli MoD

Another order of 50 unattended ground sensor (UGS) tactical systems to the Israeli MoD

The importance of terrain dominance on remote-open areas is even more important during the Corona virus days.


SensoGuard unattended ground sensor (UGS) Tactical Kits are in use by the Israeli MoD since 2013, the company is working closely with several field units to receive feedback and requests for changes or modifications.

SensoGuard offers several UGS (unattended ground sensors) tactical systems based on the seismic technology (Patent Protected).
The unattended ground sensor (UGS) systems are battlefield-proven, battery operated for years, Plug & Play, maintenance free, and immune to environmental conditions.

The systems will be used for border protection.

SensoGuard Sensors will be installed on points of interest in order to detect illegal smuggling activities.

SensoGuard COO, Ronen Amitai said:
Receiving repetitive orders from the Israeli MoD indicates client’s confidence & high satisfaction from our systems and after-sales services.
The open and professional discussion between SensoGuard and the MoD serves both sides, we are learning every year how to make our systems better, smarter and more efficient.

Want to hear more about SensoGuard’s systems ? Contact us at we’ll get back to you shortly.


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